Step 1: Locate the full company name and the ticket number
Step 2: Download the latest version of Wordpress ( )
Step 3: login to dreamhost (
Step 4: On the left hand side locate advanced > MySQL Databases
Step 5: Fill out the following to create a new MySQL Database
Database name: CTicketNumber ( Ex: C1042 )
Use Hostname :
First user: carbonadmins
The rest of the fields should remain blank / greyed out
Step 6: Add the database
Step 7: Login to FTP
Step 8: create a new directory under for the site
Use the naming guide ( name it the full company name )
Step 9: Unzip and upload all documents into the new directory except wp-config-sample.php
Step 10: rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php
Step 11: edit that file to change these 4 lines (26, 29, 32, 38)
define('DB_NAME', 'creports');
define('DB_USER', 'carbonadmins');
define('DB_PASSWORD', '4264Admin5360');
define('DB_HOST', '');
In most cases you only have to change the DB_Name to the new name created in step 5
Step 12: Upload the wp-config.php file into the directory
Step 13: Visit the new domain to see if you see a Wordpress installation screen
Step 14: Continued on [WP + Jupiter setup Process]