When it comes to deciding what tier a website is, we consider numerous factors that go into making your website the perfect fit for your business. The best way to know for certain what tier your website will be is to simply contact us and start a dialogue about your company and what you need out of your website. Below is some basic information on how we classify tiers.

Tier 1:

    - Tier 1 websites are mainly information based. This means the only content on a tier 1 website is simply information about your business. These sites are typically 1-4 pages.

    - Example: mhysa.com

Tier 2: 

    - Tier 2 websites are basically tier 1 websites plus any integration of an online store, registration forms, job board, portfolio, etc. These sites typically have around 4-7 pages.

    - Examples: plus2-u.com , aphawaii.com , hirepremrose.com

Tier 3:

    - Tier 3 sites are similar to tier 2 except that there is usually more content. This means the add-on integrations could have a larger scope, 7+ pages, or other custom development requests.

    - Examples: mhyc.us , dentistpromo.com